Students often ask about the gear used in classes. The following contain links to some of the gear used as well as some informative videos.
Reflective Cordage, Survival Cord and V-Stakes along with a bunch of other useful outdoor gear.
Tarps in various sizes, ultralight backpacks, V-stakes and other useful outdoor gear. Talk to Paul if you have any questions on tarp set-up or what tarp would be best for your needs.
Survival resources has quite a bit of survival and outdoor gear. The owner John McCann has written books on survival and has some very informative videos on youtube as well.
Christopher has been teaching survival, ethnobotany and other outdoor skills for over 40 years. Christopher was my first live introduction to outdoor skills many years ago. I assist Christopher and teach classes for his school. Check the link above for upcoming classes.
Grabber Space Blanket (Tarp) / SOL Poncho, Bivy & Space Blanket / Light my Fire Firesteel / DOAN Firesteel / Firesteel scraper / Corona Scraper / SOL Signal Mirror / ACR Signal Mirror / Sawyer Mini Water Filter / Water Filter Straw / Chlorine Dioxide Tablets /
A few videos worth watching
Some of the knots used in class are well demonstrated here in this video. I suggest looking at Mike's other videos as well. I highly recommend Mike's classes.
Rob Remedi's Meetup -
Lanny Kaufer (Herb Walks) -
Dr James Adams (Chumash Healing) -
Bushcraft Northwest - My favorite "out of area" school.
On line learning can be a fantastic way to add to your knowledge base. The knowledge you will learn is solid, and sometimes easier to absorb than through a book since it is so visual. Though skills can be learned on line, and the actual implementation should first be practiced then I recommend working in person, with an instructor to hone your skills:
Legacy Wilderness Academy has a fantastic on-line Survival Skills program with some amazing in-depth theory. I find this course to be extremely thorough:
For "Bushcraft" there is no better on-line program than Paul Kirtley's "Frontier Bushcraft" course. Paul is a genuine expert in the field, he has extensive field knowledge and his ability to convey knowledge (sometimes at a very scientific level) is second to none. A great program for anyone interested in Bushcraft, and especially for those who have goals of teaching Bushcraft:
Creek Stewart has an extensive volume of courses that you can purchase individually. From Survival to Bushcraft to Bird Watching to Urban Survival...with each module presented by experts in their field:
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